Than I disappear....
Than everyone disappears.....
We, or at least I gasp for breath......
We survived.....
Than I disappear....
Than everyone disappears.....
We, or at least I gasp for breath......
We survived.....
The waka is made out of the indigenous giant kauri trees. Kauri trees are the giant trees of New Zealand, and once dominated the forests. In the early 1900's, the trees were logged heavily because of the wood that could be harvested from the giant logs. Unfortunately, the resource was decimated by over logging, and only a few small kauri forests still exist.
Tana Mahuta, the kauri tree above is the largest in existence today. It is 14 feet in Diameter, and I can't remember how tall it is. The largest ever recorded was 17 feet in diameter, but was cut by the logging industry. Absolutely huge trees, but still does not compare with the Redwoods of California.
While Don and Barb were still in town, we decided to take them down to Rotorua, which is about 3 hours south of Auckland. It is known for the thermal springs, and as the hub for Maori culture in New Zealand. While in Rotorua, we took part in a Maori cultural event that explained how the Maori lived 200 years ago.
The event was extremely well put on and taught us heaps about the culture and tradition. At the beginning of the event, traditionally dressed Maori men arrive in a waka.
Further along in the event, the tribe went through traditional songs and greetings to new friends or enemies. They preformed a stunning and intimidating Haka which is a traditional greeting by the Maori to visitors. It was a sight to see! Later in the evening all of the visitors were treated to a traditional hangi, which is a Maori term for barbecue meat and veggies buried in the ground.
Further travel from Rotorua on the next day brought us through some strange towns and giant Kiwi bird sculptures. One small little town was dotted with giant Kiwi's. One was panted in the national flag colors and another with rainbow colors.